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Health and Well-Being Objectives

At Ysgol Y Bryn we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our children and staff and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in the same way as physical health.


· To increase the pupil and staff at Ysgol Y Bryn awareness of the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits.

· To promote positive mental health and wellbeing strategies for the whole school community to use within their daily life-style.

· To allow opportunities for Physical Literacy to develop children’s motivation, confidence, physical competence and knowledge and understanding enabling them to be physically literate and support our children to develop as life-long competent, confident and healthy movers.

We promote the school’s values to develop positive and appropriate relationships, deal with the difficult issues and decisions that they will face and learn to live independently as healthy and resilient individuals by encouraging the children to:

· Have a voice and to be valued.

· Have a sense of belonging and feel safe.

· Talk to staff openly about any problems.

· Use breathing techniques and mindfulness to promote positive mental health.

· Be aware that bullying is not tolerated.

Our children take part in a morning ‘check in’ using a digital platform called ‘speakr’ in Year 2 – Year 6 and the use of a feelings chart in our Early Years and Year 1 class. Children are encouraged to share how they are feeling and then staff support individuals, as and when needed. In situations where pupils are facing challenge in their lives and need more intensive support, we are able to provide a calm and relaxed environment where pupils can unwind and take part in activities to calm and talk about the challenge they face on a given day. This ensures that pupils are mentally ready for learning and returned to their mainstream class when they feel ready to do so.